Profile & Name Generator

Name & Profile Generator create unlimited profiles in seconds, free tool for Windows & Mac OS X.
Need to create names and profiles for your marketing needs, well Profile Generator has you covered.
The free profile and name generator can generator over 19 million names and unlimited profiles.
Profile Generator has over 19 million possible male and female name combinations, the sky is the limit.
Profile Generator for PC & Mac is quick and easy to use.
Many of your advanced marketing tools use profiles and names lists for its SEO and marketing functions. Tools such as Hype, Scrapebox, GSA Search engine ranker to name a few. We may have some in the works that will use it.
Profile Generator can generate unlimited profiles from the name list you create.
Select the free throw away mail service or type in your own domain, great if you have a catch all email address setup.
Select you password length and complexity for your created profiles.
Click the “Create Profiles: button and you’ll have a list of profiles ready to use in your marketing or provide to your virtual assistant to use. Export the created profiles as either a CSV file with or without headers or a flat text file.
- Unlimited usage, completely free for all your marketing needs
- Over 19 million possible name combinations, export name lists as text files
- Create unlimited names; male and / or female you decide
- Create unlimited profiles, emails and password generator
- Export generated profiles as text and CSV files
- Cross-platform. Mac & Windows versions are feature complete.
- Native code, no Java, Flash or Air, 100% OS native code!
Windows Compatibility: Works with Windows 7, Vista, 8, Windows 10, Server 2008, Server 2012, Server 2016. 4 gigs ram recommended.
Mac Compatibility: Mac OS X 10.9 & newer: Mavericks, Yosemite, El Captian, Sierra, High Sierra. 4 gigs ram recommended.
Profile Generator is completely free so you may install it on as many computers that you personally own
Yes, Profile Generator requires Internet Access to operate. It checks for important updates on start-up .
Please allow Profile Generator to access the Internet if you have a firewall. Only outgoing connections are required to operate.